Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Chicken pox is not because of "Divine Possession"

chicken pox is not a disease spread by eating chickens...
chicken pox is not a divine possession by " maari aatha "...

chicken pox is a viral infection, extremely contagious needing anti-viral drug treatment...normally for viral fever we don't give anti-virals...because thy r self-limiting if there is good immunity...but if immunity is less or if the virus can cause lethal damage during the infection or later in life by remaining dormant antiviral treatment is swine flu, HIV-aids...

chickenpox is caused by varicella zoster virus, which belongs to herpes virus family..they remain inside the body and can cause infections years after..or they can affect liver to produce cirrhosis, which in rare cases might lead to liver cancer....and being extremely contagious, it is a serious communicable disease...

all patients with chickenpox must be isolated and treated with drugs(tab.acyclovir 800mg five times a day x 14 days).

it is spread mainly by droplet(sneezing, cough) infection, and by personal contact with skin wounds are highly infectious...patient must be isolated until all skin wounds have become dry and the thick honey-like layer has fallen off....usually 14-21 days....

Isolating the patient is only for the protection of other uninfected people, not that some demon curse will fall upon if seen by others...

so whenever u get chicken pox, do not hesitate to consult a doctor:u might avoid a possible contributor to liver cancer.

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