Just humming might not get u to airtel super singer....but it will clean up your sinuses.
Just close your nose and mouth and try to make the sound Mmmmm...
This causes all the expiratory air to rush forcefully into sinuses. All the respiratory passages get air flow during inspiration(breathing in), except nasal sinuses. The sinuses get air circulation only during expiration (breathing out).
But during an infection, or in patients with sinus problems, its opening is blocked. So there can be no air circulation. Whatever force you may breathe in, will not open the blocked sinus gate, because its orientation is such that it will open only during expiration.
So even if your doctor says you have a sinus infection and it is incurable, still u can get the world's best cure rate by doing just Mmmmm…
And if u combine this with steam inhalation at least when you have a cold, you can avoid getting the infection spreading to your sinuses if u previously not had it and can considerably reduce the duration and severity of sinusitis, once the infection has occurred.
So the golden words for upper respiratory cleanliness are:
1. Mouth/throat gargling
2. Humming
3. Steam inhalation
4. Breathing exercises(pranayama or whatever name you might give it)-concept is breathing in slowly and deeply, holding for some time, and breathing out passively.
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