Lasik LASER involves LASER induced ablation of layers of cornea to reduce the corneal curvature and hence light rays fall onto the retina- corrects only one type of problem in myopia.
Myopia( nearsightedness- ability to see near vision clearly and diminished far vision) is due to light rays focusing in front of the retina. so traditionally we used a convex o-concave lens spectacles to diffract the light rays more, so they get focused onto the retina exactly..
causes :
1. length of eyeball more and growing more (genetic cause)
2. more curved cornea
3. cataract(old age )
Lasik corrects only the second cause. And also, it is not an accurate correction, because 0.5 D error can occur. So still might need to use the specs for accurate correction.
The eyeballs of a normal person elongates very slowly until death.And most myopics who opt for (commercial targets) lasik have rapid lengthening of the eyeball. So if u did a lasik at 19 years age, and your eyeball is growing, then you still have high chance of becoming myopic again..
People who are badly at risk of retinal damage due to myopia, causing blindness are pathological myopics (increasing myopia progressively to very high range >-7 and going on)...but lasik hardly helps these people...
And most of all, it is only a decade old procedure, and its long term side effects are not known. A research might say after 5 yrs from now that lasik causes permanent damage to cornea and corneal scarring(permanent damage needing corneal transplant/eye replacement).we do not know. And there is always a possibility of retinal burns which is irreversible blindness(even eye transplant cannot give u a vision). That is why no ophthalmologist do it for themselves.
In short: Lasik is purely a cosmetic procedure, that will benefit few % of myopics at a huge expense,both economically and visually...and the decision is yours...
Commercial hospitals like Vasan, Agarwal, are now run by HRs, who have no idea about medicine, run them like a trade center. They appoint a pro, just to mind wash the patients for lasik, FFA scans etc...Don't fall prey. If you have concerns about approaching whom for legitimate advice, just visit a govt hospital doctor; He will provide an unbiased consultation.
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